Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Business Card/Poster Process Pt. 6

I'm blasting through this blogging thing because I'm super busy. A bit more goes into what I'm showing but you'll get the idea.

After the screen dries, it's placed inside the press...

I then line up the paper with the screen so both are centered...

The first color, metallic gold is added to the screen...

Not the best pic but a flat bar pushes ink over the screen in the direction of the arrow. This is called a "flood," or flooding the screen with ink...

After the screen is flooded, a squeegee lowers and pushes ink through the screen. This is called a "pull"...

The screen then raises up, at which time I inspect the print to make sure it looks even, etc...

Each print is then placed on a rack to dry. When screen printing anything other than a t-shirt, each color is printing one at a time. I'll repeat these steps for the last color, red-brown and do it all again for the poster version.
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