Thursday, April 7, 2011


Most of you know I create limited edition art. But the main reason I chose "Strength in Numbers" as the title for my solo show is because a group of like-minded and very talented people came together, delivered, and made me look good. Thanks to my studiomates for their patience while preparing for the show, thanks to Mike Fisher, Cat Walshak, Juan Leal, Dan McCarthy, Jenessa Kenway, Julie B, Ben Kaufman, Brian Lee, Tamara & Joseph Watson, and a very special thank you to Dana Satterwhite--you went above and beyond and are a true friend. Much respect to you all.

1 comment:

Lost Vegas said...

Rich D! You are the man. No shout outs necessary but you're good like that. Happy to help any way I can. The name of the show is spot-on. Best way for us all to move forward is to unite in the name of creativity. Let's continue to make it happen.


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