I'm gonna post a blog here that originally appeared on my Myspace page last summer. I think artists who pretend to have secrets, can't and don't talk about their work are fucking lame. Sorry, there's no magic monkey painting pictures for people. Most artists hide behind a veil of mystery because of insecurity and whatever else. Like there's not enough bullshit out there in the (art)world. If that works for them...cool. But that's not how I roll. Just because someone knows a technique doesn't mean they can do what you do. The recipe for Maroger's medium isn't going to make an artist paint like Titian. Everyone is an artist these days and because of this web thing, people are stealing each other's stuff like crazy, aping styles, etc. My artist friends complain about this quite often and yes, it sucks. My take on it is that a person can't be or think like another person because of one's life experience, etc. It's about ideas and having a voice, first. Execution, second. In order for work to not be some superficial, stylistic jerk-off, it must have a voice. I too like stuff that looks cool, but I also like stuff that has a voice, soul, or the undefineable thing that leaves an impression. Sorry, that turned into a bit of a rant.
It's been a good two years since I've had proper business cards and done a promo poster so rather than recycle an old design, I've decided to do something new. I'll document the process from the the artwork creation, through the printing.
Basic markers and white out, nothing fancy...

Those leafy things are parsley, Lucky's favorite...


Lines and more lines for background...